Friday, April 24, 2020

20th Wedding Anniversary

Facebook put up a lovely video to mark the occasion.

We celebrated our 20th anniversary in an unique way because of the current quarantine/lock down situation. Derek and I went out on some errands and had a special surprise of getting to see his Dad for the first time since he had begun chemo 5 weeks earlier! 

Social distanced family photo

Then the kids setup and prepared a beautiful steak dinner for our anniversary.

And Diedre made a beautiful three flavour cake

20 years married is quite an accomplishment in some ways and then a lot of just continuing to do the same things day after day. The usual things of dealing with or ignoring conflict, facing life together as well as living daily as partners and parents. I’m not trying to sound negative, but it’s not all fun times and there have been so many different phases in our twenty years—growing from age 24 and 22 to 44 and 42—literally growing up together. 

We took a really fun trip to the Las Vegas Challenge for disc golf in February to celebrate but our actual anniversary fell during a time we had never expected. 

We have been home together during the coronavirus and it has been a really good thing for us. We have embraced the slowed down pace of life, co-parented like never before, worked on planning and executing projects around home (he drafted a 4 page list of jobs for himself around home!), still had little dates even if it was just driving to the dump and back together or going grocery shopping for his parents together. 

One thing that has been constant for us in our marriage, besides our commitment to serving God in our church community and in our home, is that we love to play—and we love to hang out together. We are definitely each other’s best friends. 

I really appreciate his perspective on challenges I have in relationships or just when life is confusing for me. He is definitely my biggest fan and on my team. I’m just remembering when he really wanted me to come back to the climbing gym (when he used to go twice a week, before disc golf life took over)—I felt out of shape and out of place when I went (insecure) and he said “I just think you’re so awesome and I want people to get to know you!” Okay, I’m swooning a little now. 

Derek came through for me in such an amazing and supportive way when my father unexpectedly got sick and within ten weeks, passed away. I will forever be grateful for the love he showed me then. 

Thank you God, for a faithful friend and husband in Derek. We are both far from perfect, but I can say again, like I did in my wedding vows, that I am confident that God brought us together. Happy 20th anniversary to my Super Buddy, Husband, Best Friend. Ps. He’s got great arms. 

Great advice from Fierce Marriage on Facebook:

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