Thursday, May 13, 2021

Okay I do not even believe it

 I cannot believe I have not posted in a year!! What?!

Well, my year has been both wonderful, and difficult, and filled to the brim.

I started college in September 2020. Classes were held in person and we went very quickly from being required to wear masks in common areas but not while seated in class, to all the time. I welcomed the mask at first as I could hide my face and my fear of not belonging while I confidently walked from class to class, fearful of being in the company of 18-year-olds while I was well over that age....

Soon, I found it funny to realize I was returning to school after 23 years since my first year of college. So I would tell people I was in my second year after a gap of 23 years haha.

Learning to be a student again was an extremely steep learning curve for me! I scoffed at a few classes: Do I have to take that? I already know such and such. Like Academic Writing--I was a star in high school English--I even got an A++ (yes two +) on a final grade 13 paper. BUT I was extremely thankful to take that class and relearn how to write, learn MLA and APA references (I think I learned Chicago in Ontario)., and so many other literary necessities like "active voice" over my obvious skill of writing "passive voice." UGH. It was very very humbling (academic papers cannot have "very" haha) as I was continuously disappointed with low grades in that class. In the end, I was able to take what I was learning and apply it and get a pretty high GPA and made the Dean's List for Honours! Phew. As for MLA and APA I refer back to the guide continually and still seem to make mistakes when the paper is handed in. So many papers!!! 

Anyway, I survived two semesters, nine academic classes, plus two volunteer class requirements and made it on the Dean's List both semesters. I also chose to take two very difficult Psychology requirements this second-year back to get them out of the way. Those were my worst grades too...My goals, for now, are to try to not care so much about the grades. It is not worth losing sleep over and the results are pretty momentary--yay, I'm smart--and then back to real life because no one wants a braggart around. 

I am pursuing a Bachelor in Practical Theology in Counseling and would like to be a youth counsellor in a Christian school, likely private practice as well or maybe something completely unexpected--I am just trying to stay open to what God is leading me to do and I am so thankful for how supportive my husband and children and loved ones have been for me to do this.

A concern to start was definitely financial, but the government has so many Grants available to people in my situation with a family that it has been great timing. At this point, I am heading towards 2024 as my Grad year (same year as Ezekiel's Grade 12 Grad year). 

To conclude, I LOVE Grammarly and am so thankful I was introduced to it early in my semester and now it can help with writing emails and blog posts too! 


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