Wednesday, June 09, 2021

recharge the battery

 I often find myself paralyzed. I think of these amazing ideas and then quickly decide doing nothing with them is much easier than doing something. I watch a lot of tv. I love tv. It is so relaxing and I like to laugh and chill and so I turn to tv. I am definitely the kind of person who can relax and take a down day or two.

This past while has been challenging and I get worn out easily by several things: grocery shopping, driving kids to and from school, exercising, doing when I do one of those activities, it is like I need time to recover and get new energy to do the next thing. I am not sure exactly where this comes from but my ideas are: ongoing long haul Covid symptoms of fatigue, introvert characteristics, being overweight (so everything just takes more energy and is harder to do). 

My energy level is very frustrating. It gets depleted so quickly and so I am really careful with what I commit to or how busy I am in a given day. So after I do one of those activities that are usually daily, I need a rest. I usually turn to tv for a rest. Sometimes I will watch an entire show, or sometimes I will just watch maybe 20 minutes and then go do some more laundry. 

My daily routine starts with doing my devotions, usually pretty short from youversion, sometimes longer if I have the time before having to drive kids to school. Then I have a coffee and a shower, breakfast and my daily supplements. Anyway, I am generally pretty content and enjoy life and enjoy interacting with my family and friends and my dogs.  

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