Thursday, November 25, 2004


sometimes its just nice to know that i belong somewhere, that the way i perceive society is common amongst my generation. i ran across this:

Baby Boomers believed in big dreams, reaching for the stars, personal freedom, "be all that you can be." Today's generation believes in small actions, getting your head out of the clouds, social obligation, "do your part."

A Baby Boomer anchored his or her identity in their career. The emerging generation sees his or her job only as a job.

Baby Boomers were diplomatic and sought the approval of others. The emerging generation feels it's more honest to be blunt, and they really don't care if you approve or not.

Boomers were driven, self-reliant and impressed by authority. Emergents are laid back, believe in working as a team, and have less confidence in "the boss."

Idealistic Boomers had an abundance mentality, believed in a better world, and were opulent in their spending. Emergents see scarcity, believe in doing what it takes to survive, and are more fiscally conservative.

Based solely on the core values of the emerging generation, here's what I believe we can expect to see beginning to happen during the next 3 to 4 years:

  1. A decline among prestige brands such as Rolex, Harley-Davidson and Gucci.
  2. The end of "upwardly mobile" as a slang expression.
  3. A decline in the effectiveness of traditional advertising.
  4. Comparison-shopping to be done increasingly online, though purchasing will remain in brick-and-mortar stores in many product categories.
  5. An increase in volunteerism and donor support to socially responsible organizations.
  6. An increase in the popularity of labor unions.
  7. A decrease in the divorce rate as couples become increasingly committed to family unity and fall less under the spell of idealistic "true love." In other words, we're learning not to have unrealistic expectations of our mates. (Really? Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella were fairy tales…?)
Read Article: marketing in 2005 and beyond
it even ends on a cheery note.


Leah said...

Hey Amanda
It's really cool that you found your place. But not everyone of this generation sees life that way. I am a true romantic and I believe more in what the baby-boomers believe. I think if more of us viewed life that way life wouldn't be so harsh. I guess its all about how you choose to view life.

derek salmon said...
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derek salmon said...

Leah, thanks for the comment.
i realize that not all my peers see things this way.
The main items that i identify or agree with from that list are:
~i do have hopes and dreams to do great things (but i'm a self-proclaimed chronic underachiever). i can identify with the whole idea of social consciousness and responsibility, the "do your part" idea. I think that becoming a mom is so exciting for me, it is something that i get the privilege of pouring my heart into and it has such a great purpose. i cannot avoid it or run from it, i get to face it and learn and learn! i will reach for the stars in that way :)
~that i work to live, not live to work (but that is coupled with in everything you do, do it with your whole when i am working, i give it my best). i dont want my identity to be wrapped up by what i do, but who i am and my deeper purpose in life
~i think its important to be diplomatic by exercising responsible honesty, not just for the sake of pleasing others (although, thats another tough one for me as a people pleaser)
~being laid back, "don't harsh my mellow" (a favorite saying of mine)
~the comment about divorce rates i think is good but i guess i would subsitute the words "true love" for "falling in love"...i think alot of people know this is true: love and relationships take alot of work. i especially like the "committed to family unity" statement as well as not placing unrealistic expectations on my spouse--thats something i've been learning over the last couple years.