Thursday, October 28, 2004

23 weeks Pregnant. Only 17 weeks to go!!!

I'm excited to learn that my baby is over 1lb now and approximately 11 inches long! Soo cool

My week 23 newsletter says "Your baby is continuing to develop their facial features. You are probably feeling a lot of movement as your baby is continuing to learn and assimilate their abilities in the comfort of their own personal,"living womb." Your baby now has eyes that open and close, ears that can hear, a thumb well worth sucking and lots and lots of hiccups."

The baby moves alot and I can see a lump when the kicks or punches are high enough. I don't know what the hiccups feel like yet, but I guess i'll be paying attention for those these days.

We found out that Derek's family in Ontario are going to throw us a Baby Shower on Boxing Day down home, in North Augusta. We're really excited about that. It will be fun :) Going to Ontario for Christmas will be great. I haven't been home to Ontario for Christmas in 8 years probably, and this will be our first Christmas with Derek's parents.

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